Thursday, June 30, 2005

I don't know why I'm sending this; it's appalling.

----- Original Message ----- From: To: Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2005 2:30 AM Subject: Fwd: Fw: Neo-con Christianity The web address below contains a series of quotes from various proponents of the radical religious and political right. I suspect Kim may actually have had the same reason that I have in circulating these quotes. I genuinely fear that a great many Americans do not actually realize: 1) how radical and dangerous the thinking and intentions of the radical religious right are, 2) the extent to which Rove and Bush have gone and will go to satisfy this part of their political base, and/or 3) how many of both the Republicans who essentially vote their pocketbooks and the moderate Evangelicals who eschew the more radical dimensions of the radical religious have chosen for whatever reasons to ignore the dangers to the country of this unholy alliance between the radical political right and the radical religious right. It is undoubtedly not justifiable to hang a few of these more extreme quotes around Bush's neck, but taken as a whole the quotes give a frightening, nauseating, and pretty much on the mark sense of the flavor and direction Rove, Bush, Cheney, Frist, and DeLay are leading our country, and ignoring the reality of that is also not justifiable. -- Rhea Subject: Neo-con Christianity I don't know why I'm sending this; it's appalling. I guess it's fascinating in the same way a car crash is: Kim An interesting curiosity is the site itself particularly the C Panel. Now, if you really want to see where this goes try this thread from This particular piece, Quotes from the American Taliban, from has been linked all over the web. Just look at this Google search. It's difficult without a lot of time consuming sifting to find the seminal post of the original material, but here's the same material on different blog in somewhat better graphic style. This link is the last entry on the first page of the Google search. Here it is again from the 10th page of the Google search linked back again to the site from another blog. There is some discussion of these postings on the Snopes message board. I'm not sure how to rank the search engine hits chronologically so as to uncover the oldest and supposedly first posting on the web without writing a search engine myself, but it would be very interesting to chase items like this to their source. The potential for spin for these postings as they become graphically more sophisticated is enormous. Eddie Bernays's head would spin at the possibilities, eh? If you're not familiar with Eddie Bernays you might try Larry Tye's biography of Edward L. Bernays it will put the web and blogs in a new light for you.


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